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Admissions Procedure

Adult Students

Parents wishing to enroll their student at SRCS must take the following steps for acceptance and admission.


Step One—Inquiry: Parents must first complete the inquiry form online or in person through the FACTS program. This informs the registrar that a new family is interested in the school.


Step Two—Talk and Tour: Before a student is accepted, the registrar of SRCS will conduct an interview with the parents for the purpose of not only communicating the school’s philosophy, standards, and mission but also gleaning data beneficial in determining the potential success of the child at SRCS. On the academy level, the student will either interview or complete a questionnaire, indicating a willingness to conform to the deportment and academic standards of SRCS. SRCS is not a reform school; therefore, students who have been expelled or suspended may be denied admission. After discussion with the family, the registrar will give a tour of the main facility or direct the family to the appropriate building for more information.


Step Three—Placement Testing: After a successful interview process, the registrar will set up a placement test appointment and instruct the secretary to request records. The registrar will evaluate any tests and make recommendations as to the student’s placement. A student may also be put back a grade level if age allows and parents agree. If repeating a grade is not feasible, SRCS will not accept the student; the registrar will suggest remedial routes and encourage the parents to come back when the student improves. These processes, along with previous academic records, help determine the specific grade placement of the student. The registrar may confer with the administration before making a final decision.


The parent and student interviews, transcripts, and placement test are used to assess if the school’s mission can be met in each specific case. Assessment may include communication with the previous school as well as the family’s pastor where applicable. The decision will be relayed to the family in a timely manner. Some students may enroll with either an academic or behavioral probation agreement.


Step Four—Application: The registrar then makes the choice to allow the student to apply. The application will occur through FACTS, and an email link will be provided to the family. Parents will pay a $25 application fee to submit the documentation for review.


Step Five—Enrollment: After application, the registrar can accept the student and direct them to complete enrollment in FACTS. Through this process, the family will provide the “big three”—birth certificate, immunization record (DH 680), and physical examination health report (DH 3040); these are to be uploaded in the FACTS portal. The birth certificate enables the registrar to determine appropriate grade level, and the health documents ensure the school that basic health standards are met per state law. The enrollment process is a non-refundable fee of $150. Having accepted the student, SRCS will bill the first tuition payment, orient the student and family, and place the student in the appropriate class.


Conclusion: Through effective use of this policy, SRCS hopes to be equitable in dealing with all applicants. As a Christian school, SRCS desires to maintain its standards of conduct and academic excellence, and following these steps helps in the enrollment of students that God would have for each school year.

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